Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Who. I. Am.

I found this photo mosaic activity on another blog. Here's what you do if you want to play along:

  • Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
  • Using only the first page, pick an image.
  • Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into this Mosaic Maker. Follow the instructions, and presto! You have a synopsis of Who. You. Are
  • Click on the subtitles below the photo to get a closer look.

  1. What is your first name? Shelley Shelley's Francolin
  2. What is your favorite food? Mexican Food Mexican Food
  3. What high school did you go to? Frenship High School team
  4. What is your favorite color? Red Blood-Red Flower
  5. Who is your celebrity crush? John Travolta Staying Alive
  6. Favorite drink? Coke I'm a Mexican Coke
  7. Dream vacation? Any beach Relax
  8. Favorite dessert? Chocolate Chip Cookies 14th August 2007 / Day 226
  9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Librarian, almost there. I wanted to put retired but couldn't find an adequate picture for that one. RETRATO - A LA ARCIMBOLDO - PORTRAIT
  10. What do you love most in life? family The Calvo Family - Holidays
  11. One Word to describe you: driven The Science Of Speed
  12. Your blog name: The Statler Family Blog What's on my shelves?

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