Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Raider Fan!

Boyd has started saying "Texas Tech"!!! We are the proudest Red Raider parents ever!
Okay, so he is actually saying "Da Da Da", but he says it when we show him a Double T or put our guns up. Usually we only get one "Da" out of him, like "Da" meaning I want that or "Da?" meaning what's that? So, I would say that he definitely knows what he is saying. Go Red Raiders! Beat those Aggies!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

PhotoHunt: Lazy

This week's PhotoHunt topic is Lazy. We have definitely not been lazy lately, but I did manage to snap a picture that fits perfectly. On our recent trip to the Ft. Worth Zoo we watched a turtle crawl on the back of a crocodile. The crocodile wasn't to happy to carry the freeloader, as you can see.
This week has been very busy. We are all feeling better, but could still feel a lot better. Allergies have us all coughing and sniffling. On Friday, Scotty went with Brian to the stock show in Waco, and on Saturday he had Zoo School at the Ft. Worth Zoo. He learned about creepy crawlies. He said his favorite insect of the day was a scorpion.
Here are a few more pictures from our trip to the zoo.

From 9.08

Sunday, October 5, 2008

PhotoHunt: Sad

From The Statler Family Blog

Scotty at age 3 sitting in the time out chair. Drama!!!