Thursday, November 27, 2008

Scotty's Christmas List

Scotty sat down with Grammy tonight to write his Christmas list. It is too cute not to share.
  1. Camo Airplane (Big)
  2. An eel for mommy (not a Beta)
  3. More cowboys and Indians stuff
  4. Another eel (for my Daddy - not a Beta)
  5. A big blue monster truck for Boyd
  6. A whole bag of peppermint candy
  7. New dog snacks for Hank
  8. Chicken snacks and a hard Texas Tech tennis ball for Rascal
  9. Lincoln Logs for Boyd so he won't play with mine
  10. A big Massey Ferguson tractor
  11. Red and Black clothes for Mommy and Daddy
  12. A volcano toy

Hopefully Santa is reading this, because big Camo airplanes are hard to come by. Let us know if you see one, so we can pass the tip along to Santa. I'm sure the big guy can use all the help he can get.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Halloween Pics -- Finally!

Well, I tried to get these pictures on the blog sooner, but my electricity went out the night I sat down to work on it. Since then, I have been working on a paper and getting ready for a final exam. So, here are pictures from Halloween. Boyd was a biker and Scotty was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (not sure which one, he just liked the costume).

Maybe I'll get pictures from November up before Christmas. Did I take pictures this month? I can't remember.