Saturday, June 28, 2008

PhotoHunt: Bright

I couldn't decide which pictures to post for this week's theme: Bright. I am posting all 3.

This photo of a bright rainbow was taken with Brian's cell phone.
The rainbow is God's promise for a bright future.

This ride at the Houston Stock Show was definitely bright.

"His future's so bright, he's got to wear shades."
This is Scotty when he was a little over 1 year old.


Teena in Toronto said...

Nice array of bright pix! The rainbow is awesome!

I played too :)

Corey~living and loving said...

what a great set of photos for the theme. Nice rainbow. can't believe it was taken on a phone. :)
happy weekend!

Unknown said...

my favorite is the last photo. he's a cutie! happy photo-hunting!

Tammy said...

Great pictures. The rainbow is awesome!

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

That rainbow is amazing -- wow, what a great cellphone camera!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, all 3 are BRIGHT!

xoxo said...

love the rainbow ;-)