Scotty had his first soccer game yesterday. His team is the Polecats.They should have already played 4 games, but all of the March games were cancelled for one reason or another. So, the team was in need of some real, live action. For their first game they did pretty well. They are all fairly new to soccer so they have to learn how to go after the ball and to remember which goal is theirs.

We were surprised when we got there to see that Scotty's friend, Emma, was there playing on the other team. They are a great team. I think they have had a lot of practice.

Last week, I went to the TLA Convention in Houston. The best part of being a librarian is meeting all of the authors. Scotty is always excited to see what I bring back from the convention. This year, I knew that Jon Scieska was going to be there. I have always been a fan of his books, but lately I have really been a fan since he started writing the Trucktown series for little guys. He was so cool to talk to. I wish Scotty could have been there!
Here is a picture taken on our camping trip down at the river during Spring Break. Boyd wants to do everything Scotty does.
We had a pretty good time camping. One mistake: We took the dogs and they kept us up all night patrolling for wild animals. See our photo album for more pictures.
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