Well, after many days of counting down, Christmas finally came. The boys are napping from all of the morning excitement of unwrapping presents, although Boyd really didn't understand what he was supposed to do. He was content with playing with the toys that Scotty unwrapped. We promise ourselves every year that we are not going to go overboard on buying presents and each year when we get it all out to wrap we realize that we've done it again. Not really overboard like some people do, but still way too much for two boys that already have more than they can ever play with. Scotty has reached the age that it is all about fair. He thought that surely Boyd must have gotten more presents than him since he still had so many to unwrap. He didn't realize that Boyd never opened one of his presents by himself as Scotty tore through the wrapping paper on all of his in a flash. Oh well, we decided not to worry ourselves too much about it and use this as a "learning opportunity". I guess kids aren't born with gratitude in their hearts. So this is the Christmas for teaching that it is rude to say things like, "I already have that", or "I didn't get very much", or "Did you get me anything else?" Fun stuff!

We went to Grapevine on Monday night to see ICE at the Gaylord Texan. It was beautiful and
SO COLD. 9 degrees. They give everyone a parka to wear even if you have your own heavy jacket. It was a good thing. We thought we had the boys bundled, but they had two layers on and still got cold. Boyd's parka was so big that his hands only reached about halfway down the sleeves. The picture doesn't do it justice. He looked like a little penguin waddling around. Scotty was so cold that his eyes were watering. Brian and Boyd skipped the slide, and after waiting in line for 15 minutes Scotty wanted to skip it too, but we braved the cold and slid down the very lame excuse for a slide just to say we did it.
The next day we made cookies for Santa. We used GG's recipe for Sour Cream Sugar Cookies. I could eat the whole plate. I am trying to limit myself to 1 or 2 each time I walk by. After all, they won't be good after a day or 2. :)

Hope Santa was good to everyone! Have a wonderful holiday season. We are looking forward to seeing the family in Lubbock next week.
Happy 2009!!!
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