Swimming lessons really paid off. Scotty is a champion snorkeler. 

He is much more comfortable putting his face in the water and he even jumps in now and goes underwater. Well, he'll jump in for Miss Robin, his teacher, but not for us. He says the pool is easier to jump into at the YMCA than at the neighbor's house. Go figure! I thought they were all the same. He can doggie paddle with the best of 'em (as long as he has a floaty of some sort). Looking forward to many more swim lessons to come.

In the kiddy pool, that is.

He is much more comfortable putting his face in the water and he even jumps in now and goes underwater. Well, he'll jump in for Miss Robin, his teacher, but not for us. He says the pool is easier to jump into at the YMCA than at the neighbor's house. Go figure! I thought they were all the same. He can doggie paddle with the best of 'em (as long as he has a floaty of some sort). Looking forward to many more swim lessons to come.

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