Friday, July 18, 2008

Love my critters!

I love our backyard. We have several birdfeeders and I love to keep them full to watch all of the critters that come to eat from them. We have cardinals, tufted titmouse, chickadees, hummingbirds, painted buntings, rabbits, and squirrels. Most people are annoyed by squirrels and the fact that they eat all of the bird seed and scatter it all over the yard, but not me. I keep the bird feeders full just to attract the squirrels. They are so darn cute! My favorite is when they hang from the birdfeeder by their back legs while shoveling the seed into their cheeks as fast as they can. They usually don't have long to fill up their cheeks before they are chased off by cardinals. Who knew squirrels were so picky? We have a mix of songbird seed and sunflower seeds. After the squirrels visit we are left with a pile of songbird seed and sunflower seed shells below the feeders. I guess we should start buying plain sunflower seeds.
Here are some pictures of the cute little boogers and a good shot of a hummingbird from the dining room window.

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