This week has been uneventful except for a minor stroller accident on Monday and the attack of the deer skull today. On Monday, I came home from a trip to Sonic to see Brian and the boys out for a walk. I got out of my car to the sound of both boys crying. I just thought it was normal until they got closer and I could see their bumps and bruises. The stroller tipped over, but luckily Scotty caught it with his elbow and Boyd with his forehead before the stroller could sustain any damage. No major injuries in that incident. The attack of the deer skull, on the other hand, left me with a gash on my head and my thigh. I was cleaning up toys upstairs when I raised up and hit my head on one of Brian's European mounts. The whole thing fell off the wall and gouged my leg as it plummeted to the floor. I thought I made it through without any injuries because the "scratch" on my leg didn't appear to be bleeding. My head felt like it was cracked in two, but I didn't feel any blood. So I sat in the floor for a minute or two waiting for the little birdies to quit flying around my head and then I went down for an ice pack. As I came back up the stairs I looked at the ice pack and noticed a little blood on it and also noticed blood running down my leg. Scotty noticed all of this at about the same time. I calmly called Brian so he could come home and take a look. I left a message on his voice mail and then started to panic. What if he doesn't get my message? What if I pass out on the floor in front of the kids? What if I need stitches? So I called the school and had Dru find Brian and send him home. We decided that it was probably borderline of needing stitches in both places, but since I am more terrified of the stitches than the gashes on my head and leg, I let Brian doctor me up and I laid in bed for an hour with an ice pack. Here's the sad part. As I lay in bed all I could think about is how dark my roots will be before I can get my hair colored again. :)
Scotty is so into the "E-lympics" right now. We watch them every night, and I have started recording them so he can watch Michael Phelps swim in the morning. We heard about a typical breakfast for Phelps on The Today Show, and now Scotty compares all of his meals to Phelps. He says, "Me and Boyd are going to grow big like Michael Phelps." He's so cute to watch, and so sharp, too. He can pick out the American flag and tell you the lane number for Phelps. Then he yells, "Go American Flag!!!"
Here are a few pictures from the week.

We gave away some baby things, but got this shot before Leslie came to pick them up. I wasn't sure if I should give him a garage sale sign or one that said "H___ no, we won't go!"

Notice the spike. Just enough hair to make it stand up after a bath.
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